Talkingleaves Leaves | Printmakers | Aug 8th – Sept 22nd

Talkingleaves Leaves:  an exhibition of the individual and collaborative printmaking works of Sara Starr Shoemaker and Thomas Brown.

About Talking Leaves:


Raised in the lush hollows of Southwestern Pennsylvania, Starr’s deep connection with nature profoundly influences her art. As a kinesthetic learner, she thrived in hands-on environments, finding her creative voice outside traditional academic settings. Her art, inspired by the organic rhythms of the natural world, often uses nature as both medium and muse. Her collaborative projects with Thomas embody themes of resilience and growth, resonating with their shared journey and creative partnership.


Thomas, a self-taught fine arts printmaker, began his artistic journey in screen printing shops across Nashville, Tennessee, and Southwestern Pennsylvania. Over nearly a decade, he honed his skills and delved into the world of Lino-cut and woodblock printmaking, creating intricate designs by hand. In 2012, his collaboration with Starr introduced him to letterpress printing, blending traditional techniques with contemporary methods to produce unique posters. Thomas’s studios, evolving with his craft, became sanctuaries for his artistry, reflecting his dedication and the magic of self-taught creativity, free from modern digital tools.
